Where CRE Meets DCFs – Commercial Real Estate and Discounted Cash Flow tech

Explore how the worlds of AI, Spreadsheets, Software and Web technologies are colliding to super-charge Cash Flow Modelling 🔥

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The world of cash flows is changing

Understand why analysts require a mind shift to super-charge institutional cash flow analysis

  • Refresh 30-yr-old cash flow Excel techniques
  • Stay on top of key software developments
  • Track OpenAI-type possibilities in a game-changing landscape for productivity
  • Discover how Spreadsheets and Programming worlds collide
  • Revisit the Art of Underwriting and your priorities for accuracy and data
  • Learn about open-source power you can lever from the world wide web
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Seismic market changes demand DCF complexity

Long institutional real estate leases have been replaced with shorter lease patterns. The loss of traditional office sector income means that quasi- or full operational scenarios are required to service today’s tenants/customers.

  • Learn management techniques to simplify the onslaught of DCF complexity
  • Handle cross-sector modelling principles with greater agility
  • Navigate detail while keeping an eye on the bigger commercial picture
  • Avoid becoming a prisoner of a cell and develop your career path
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Whether you like it or not, you are a coder!

Many smart professionals don’t realise their daily institutional use of Excel spreadsheets for clients means that they are always stepping into the field of coding.

  • Experience why coding is becoming more intuitive and powerful for analysts
  • Embrace tech to achieve Vier Augen Prinzip (four eyes principle) and 30x+ time savings
  • Enjoy how safe technical documentation leads to a different league of convenience
  • Identify and deepen coding techniques you already use instinctively within a spreadsheet context